Nicky led the Board’s approval of the very first complete part-time pay parity agreement for community college faculty in the state of California. This was a complex process requiring grit, perseverance and determination in the face of many political forces set to resist this basic principle of equal pay for equal work .
Nicky is a life-long member of the California Part Time Faculty Association. He also initiated the Board adoption of Peralta’s part-time hiring pool shortly after he was first elected. Prior to this, part-time faculty had zero security of employment. Nicky supports a unified bargaining table for permanent and temporary as well as full-time and part-time or hourly classified workers, both as a matter of fairness and so that workers will not be pitted against each other.
Nicky also supports legislation that would lead to a unified faculty structure across the state with no second-class status for any part-time instructors. Equal pay for equal work!